Hurricane Season Storm Stories


Photo Credit: NOAA

It’s that time again! Time for my monthly post on my awesome publisher’s blog! This month, with all the news about Hurricane Frances and worrying about those in her path, it got me thinking about my own storm stories. As a kid in Louisiana, I remember the eerie green sky, the stillness of the eye of the storms, and the time my dad and brother went up on the roof in the eye of one to replace shingles that were blown off before the next wall hit.

But the one that still gives me chills was the night we rode out Hurricane Andrew. Read all about it now on the Pandamoon Publishing blog here.

Blog Feature! Know What You Write

water meterIt’s been a fun week being mentioned in an interview with a best-selling author Christine Gabriel, which you can read here, and being interviewed by another best-selling author Cheri Champagne!  (See the link in the blog post here.)

Today, I had the pleasure of writing the featured blog post for Pandamoon Publishing, Know What You Write.  It’s something near and dear to my heart in several ways: writing, and New Orleans.  And, a great way to get to know me as an author!  Check it out!